Tag: living

Health Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is often trumped as a means to reducing stress and restoring healthy function in the body. While meditation might once have been considered a New Age treatment, in recent years it has developed into a mainstream practice supported by both traditional and alternative medical providers.

The Mayo Clinic says that anyone can practice meditation. A cost-effective treatment that does not require any special equipment or location, meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and originally was developed to help people understand the mystical or spiritual forces of life. Although meditation for some may still have religious or spiritual connotations, in a medical sense it is typically used for relaxation and stress reduction.

Various studies show that meditation can be associated with improvement of a variety of issues. Researchers describe meditation-based changes as ones that actually change the brain. Changes in the circuitry of the brain may affect the way a person responds to specific situations. The following are a few ways to put mindful meditation to use.

· Strengthen cognitive function: Dr. Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital, says meditation can help thicken the prefrontal cortex of the brain, helping to reverse the pattern of cognitive function decline as one ages.

· Protect against heart disease: There is some indication that meditation can reduce concentrations of the marker C-reactive protein, which is associated with the development of heart disease.

· Stimulate the immune system: A study published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine found that mindfulness meditation increases electrical activity in the areas of the prefrontal cortex getprev-2.editthat serve a
s the command center for the immune system. When these areas are stimulated, the immune system works more effectively.

· Reduce blood pressure: The stress-boosting properties of meditation can help reduce hypertension. Researchers at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine attribute this to the increase of nitric oxide during meditation. Nitric oxide gas can expand blood vessels and open up blood channels.

Some experts also say that meditation can decrease metabolism and improve breathing. Meditation may be a mind-body way to beat some of the conditions that affect people during daily life. Meditation is not difficult to learn, but it something that requires practice to master.


Top 5 Indoor Plants

Winter is when we often spend a lot more time indoors, so it’s important to keep your home fresh and cozy! Air quality is one aspect of our home interior that can often get overlooked but has a big impact on our overall health and well being. One step you can take towards clearing the air in your home, is to introduce at least one plant from of our top 5 recommended indoor plants – proven to have improve your air quality!

When it comes to plants, I don’t necessarily have a green thumb. That’s why I opt for easy care, low maintenance. Not only is it nice to bring a little bit of the outdoors – inside – but the added health benefits of cleaner air is an obvious bonus! 🙂 The list I’ve compiled includes plants that are both easy to care for as well as improve home air quality.

*Aloe Vera

->Sun loving plant, besides air filtration, this plant also offers a soothing gel inside its leaves that can help soothe cuts and burns

*Spider Plant

->Low maintenance, very easy care; Lots of foliage and occasional tiny white blooms

*Snake Plant

->Low light, humid environments; Widely known for air filtration benefits

*Bamboo Palm

->Thrives in shade; Produces small flowers and berries

*Peace Lily

-> A top indoor plant on N.A.S.A.’s report for removing common VOC’s; Prefers shade

N.A.S.A. first compiled a list of “Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air Pollution Abatement” back in 1989. You can still view the original report thru their site at: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19930073077.pdf

Do you have a green thumb or an indoor gardening tip to share? Leave a Comment below