298 Cashtown Rd
PA 17307
Travel back in time as you visit seven historic barns in Adams County. After check-in at the Historic Round Barn, drive to each barn in any order you choose and stay as long as you like. Learn about these icons of our rural landscape. Experience living history and arts and crafts of the 19th century including a timber framing demonstration. Photographers, bring your camera! Grand parents, bring your grand children! There will be animals to see and pet!
Tour starts at the Historic Round Barn at 298 Cashtown Road, Biglerville, PA 17307. Check-in time to start the tour is from 10:00 A.M. – Noon. Rain or shine.
To Register for the Barn Tour visit: HGAConline.org
Proceeds benefit the award-winning HGAC Barn Preservation Project and Grant Program.